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 該如何開始呢? 認識我的朋友都知道我年紀也不小了 也到了適婚年齡 (可能以超齡)😳 所以今年我們就有打算結婚生子的概念 其實對我們來說生小孩我們都覺得不簡單 大概是身邊有太多的朋友 都用了很長的時間才懷上吧。 所以我們就決定了今年開始不避孕 兩個porject一起進行 那一個先來就settle那一個先。😄 之後一直沒消息,姨媽每個月都報到  直到三月份 疫情超嚴重時 政府也宣佈MCO了 我的姨媽就沒有報到了 😂 姨媽遲遲未到 但我們也沒有抱太大希望 因為從去年年尾開始我的姨媽就有遲來的現象  但好奇之下還是去買了驗孕棒來測  如以下圖 下面那隻有非常非常非常淺的線 我就叫老公看 他說我想太多 他說怎麼會那麼容易就懷上了 之後他看我一臉不死心 就offer我 等下我們再去買驗孕棒 明天你在test 我就開心回了 隔天一早我就驗了兩次 也是淺淺的線 老公就嚇到了 那感覺很不靠譜 那個線好淺 而且我們在phamarcy隨便買便宜的無名brand的驗孕棒 結果我就吵老公再去多一次pharmarcy 這次我砸錢買了兩隻Clearblue 一隻普通的 一隻digital的 第二天很早我就爬起床 迫不期待的驗 結果也是顯示懷孕了 Digital的那隻就留到隔天早上 連digital的都顯示懷孕我就安心多了 然後老公就開始緊張了 就說要去看醫生 我們就去了Kuchai Lama的Dr Mak 醫生說太早來看了 scan也看不到什麼東西 就叫我們回家好好的休息 等多兩個星期再見他 我們就乖乖的回家。 其實看醫生的當時 我覺得醫生也是很怕會false alarm所以就一直交代我們不要告訴任何人 就當作平時一樣 所以如果你們以後很早發現懷孕的話 其實是可以等到第六星期之後才去看醫生的  (就大概是period沒來 大概3星期之後吧) 今天就分享到這裡,寶寶要休息了。 晚安!
Recent posts


It's been a while I didn't blog, what's makes me blog again is year 2020 is a HUGE change for me. And I found that it's memorable and a lots of thing that I can share out.  So I decided to record it down, I think blog are more like diary so i start up my blog again. Let's summarise out what's happened in past half year. 2020, March 17 - My man proposed to me 2020, March 18 - Government locked down due to Covid-19 2020, March 28 - We confirmed that a little one existed in my belly Here how's my life changed! But I really do enjoy it a lot!  I will share more about my wedding and my pregnancy in my blog soon! 

The Buttercake Factory

Let me think how should I start this review. Hmmm... Let's talk about how do I know about The Buttercake Factory . I knew it from my bestie during her baby's full moon party, I ate the cake and found that it's nice. So I asked her where she bought this cake, she told me the shop name and also told me about her comment about this shop. She said have to beware of this shop because the cake she ordered wasn't arrive on time and she tried to call them many times, but no one answering the call. Whatapps message them also didn't reply. Her husband said she must be cheated by the shop and their photographer actually planned to go a cake before the party start. Lucky end up they did delivered the cake, however it's not as per the promised time. I can imaging how terrified was that, guest are arriving soon, photographer are ready but without a cake for full moon party. Now back to my own story. A month ago was my little sister 21st years old birthday. I k...

Review of 2017

It's been few years that I didn't update my blog.  Here are little review over the year of 2017. Haha I know it's abit late to review it (I know it's almost end of Q1, 2018) but seriously I don't know how to start update back my blog. So got to use this lame topic to start back. XD 1. Bleach my hair once in my life. 2. My continued study is completed. 3. I purchased a domain for my blog. 4. Adopted a Vege Dog from relative. Start with bleach my hair once in my life. When I was eighteen, my cousin bleach her hair, I was thinking it's cool! I want to do it also. But during that era all the elder told me, Jie, (that is how my family call me, because I'm the eldest among my sibling) you don't follow do that ya, like Lala mui, like "sam seng". -.-" I'm a good girl, never against elder, so I "sabar" my bleach project. After 10 years time, finally the era has come. People nowadays colour their hair int...

Mr. Tuk Tuk

Hello Peeps.. Is been a long time I didn't update at here. Yes, it's a busy year for me, other than my study are getting tough, there are some changes at my workplace too, have to put extra effort on it. So these two things makes me really busy and no time blog.  Back to the topic, I used to shopping at Sunway Pyramid, every time I passed by this restaurant - Mr. Tuk Tuk, I saw  its crowded and line up most of the time, I'm really wonder why, so check out their menu and found that the price is quite cheap. This is how it attracted me to try it.  On last Wednesday, we went to Sunway Pyramid to buy something, after done shopping we decided to dinner at there so we went to check out Mr. Tuk Tuk if no need to line up then we give a try.  Oh yeah, it's less people and table is available, so doesn't need to hesitate this will be our dinner place. Mr. Tuk Tuk Sunway Pyramid was newly open on last year and as I said earlier it always cr...


记得某个电影或电视剧里的某个片段有说 ,  当你无意间看到时针显示 11:11 的时 。 代表某人正在思念你 , 同样这时你也会突然想起某个人 。   最近 ,  经常无意看到 11:11 出现在显示器的右下角 ,  在手机显示的日历前 。 好吧 , 我喜欢这样的时刻 ,  思念或被思念着 。 管他在城市的另一头的你 ,  是否同我一样 。 我依然用心的思念 ,  思念那个同样在思念我的你 。 自从知道了 11 点 11 分的故事之后 ,  就一直相信那是真的。 当你在不经意间看到时间是 11 点 11 分的时候 ,  就是有人在想你了。 或许你知道那人是谁 ,  或者你不知道。 不管是谁 ,  被人想念着 ,  总是幸福的。 有人可以思念也是一种幸福。 从来都是这样 ,  不需要奢望更多 ,  只是简单的希望。 我相信它是真的 ,  所以我时常觉得幸福。 每次偶然看到 11 点 11 分的时候总是会对自己会心的一笑 ,  不知道是谁又在想我了呢。 你可以笑我自作多情 ,  这并不会影响的心情 ,  因为我相信。 简单地说吧,我决定那一时刻我相信 。 于是,我微 笑 。 Love, Yuki L.


Hello December, 十二月是我又愛又恨的月份,愛的原因非常簡單那就是整個月份就令人非常的輕鬆的感覺。恨的原因就是回顧自己在這一年裡做的事情和目標有沒有達到時,就會覺得自己並沒把這一年做的很好。 對我來說2016是非常忙碌的一年,最重要的事就是本姑娘正在進修的課程咯。 Semester 1 & 2已經完成了,也拿了不錯的成績。 Semester 3的1st half真的沒眼看,最令我後悔的事莫過於小考沒讀書,第二後悔的就是Assignment沒能提早準備。但現在說這些都沒用因為已經太遲了,但願能及格就好。 好啦,接下來就到部落格update。 今年裡的確吃了不少,但都沒時間update在部落格。時間上真的沒辦法配合到。  Follewer們,真的很抱歉,我會盡力update。 第三件事就是The Yummilicious的面書專頁,真的真的非常開心已經有兩千個likes了。謝謝大家的支持。 這一年裡無論在公在私都看清楚一些事物和人物,也有蠻多的成長和領悟。 感恩這一年來我都是健健康康,平平安安的度過。 Love, Yuki L.